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Upcoming Events


Live Concert Choir Charity Event 2020
  • Ticket Sold
  • 561/650
60% Complete


Beautiful Fireworks Show In The New Year Night
  • Ticket Sold
  • 561/650
60% Complete


The Story Of Danau Toba (Musical Drama)
  • Ticket Sold
  • 431/650
60% Complete
5 events more View more
Add Email Template
Title should be meaning full like : registration email, forgot password email.
Decribe about this email template.
slug will use for url. can't edited.
User Configuration
#USERNAME#: Username can display with this placeholder. #USERNAME#: Username can display with this placeholder. #LASTNAME#: Lastname can display with this placeholder. #TELEPHONE#: Contact number can display with this placeholder. #PASSWORD#: password can display with this placeholder. #SITENAME#: Site name can display with this placeholder.
Config Configuration
#SITENAME#: Site name can display with this placeholder. #ADMINEMAIL#: Admin email can display with this placeholder. #SUPPORTEMAIL#: Support email can display with this placeholder. #SITEADDRESS#: Site address can display with this placeholder.
Generate Configuration
#ACTIVATIONLINK#: Activation link can display with this placeholder. #SITELOGO#: Site logo can display with this placeholder. #LOGINLINK#: Login link can display with this placeholder. #REGESTERLINK#: Registration link can display with this placeholder. #REGESTERLINK#: Registration link can display with this placeholder.
Contact Configuration
#NAME#: Contact user name can display with this placeholder. #EMAIL#: Contact user email can display with this placeholder. #MESSAGE#: Contact user message can display with this placeholder.
Subscribe Configuration
#USERNAME#: Subscribe user email can display with this placeholder.
Order Configuration
#STATUS#: Order Status can display with this placeholder. #FIRSTNAME#: User first name can display with this placeholder. #LASTNAME#: User last name can display with this placeholder. #MESSAGE#: Delivery details or expected deliery date. This message will deliver to customer. #ID#: Order number can display with this placeholder.
This design will show in recieved email and place holders will replace with dynamic content.


  • Active status template will use in email sending only.